Chapter 9, Founding of the Kingdom of Aerdy

Funeral of Pendri, Prince of Garasteth, -222 CY Art from Old World by Mohawk Games Mikar Garasteth’s father Pendri had worked his whole life to further his clan’s power. Mikar, inheriting the title of prince in -222 CY, was more ambitious. He hoped to unite the Aerdi peoples together into one strong nation. From the outset, such a project looked to have little chance of success. Early on he realized that the core to making his dream a reality would be to unite the relatively weak Aerdi principalities to face their stronger neighbors. At the time such an ambition seemed doomed to failure, as the principalities were riven by self-interest and ambition. But it turned out to be exactly those factors that contributed the most to his success. Mikar was clever enough to realize that all the principalities had individual goals that did not necessarily interfere with each other. The Cranden desired their old lands in northern Thalland. The Torquann hungered after the lands of the Flan to the no...